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HOKKAIDO, is a resturaunt with the quality set in mind when prepping food, guaranteeing an exquisite taste to its customers, offering variety in sushi and delicious recipes in dishes derived from Asian cuisine, in a friendly atmosphere for the whole family and not so much sushi eaters.
Through a personalized and on time service, composed of a team committed to serve with kindness
to our customers, achieving their preference.
Through more than 20 years of experience we have been able to fuse traditional flavors with the whole Asian culture, and in this way achieve the introduction of new dishes in a tropicalized way to our region.
Today our menu features a variety of sushi, Japanese, Thai, Chinese meals, including appetizers
prepared with creativity and elegance.
T. 631.828.6888/6899
F. 631.828.6877
331 Route 25A,
Mt. Sinai, NY 11766